Saturday, 5 December 2015

Recommended Study Material and Exam Technique

Someone asked me if I could recommend any useful study material. The CIPS coursebooks and the past exams are pretty much all you need. If you're like me, and just want to study as efficiently as possible, it would be a waste of time and effort to study material outside the coursebooks. There is already enough to remember.

Exam Technique

If you're out of practice, it might be a bit daunting to do exams. So, exam technique is just as important as studying. While I no means have the best exam technique, this is what I do:
  • Get an extra piece of paper and write all my mnemonics, acronyms, and names I remember to jog my memory.
  • Number my question book in sequential order leaving 4 pages for each question. I usually start with the easiest questions first. Doing it this way allows me skip around and keep the questions in order.
  • Read the questions and use a highlighter to highlight the key words.
  • Keep an eye on the time. I've never run out of time in an exam because there's so few questions. You have 1.8 minutes per question, so for a 25 mark question, you have 45 minutes.
  • If I can't think of anything, I skip to the next question. Sometimes something in the next question jogs my memory.
  • If I still can't think of anything, I wing it.
  • Reread my answers at the end of the exam to see it all makes sense and that my handwriting is legible. 

That's pretty much it.

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